Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy (PP) is a document that regulates the order of obtaining, processing, storage, use of information about the user by By accepting the Policy, you confirm that you agree with the terms of use of the service and the way in which your data is processed.

1. General terms and conditions

1.1- Working with the INCRYPTED service means uncompromising agreement with all the circumstances set out in the Policy. If you do not agree with the provisions of the document, refrain from using our resource.

1.2. The Administration has the right to correct the PP in full or make changes to some part of the document. In this case, the Administration can notify about it, but is not obliged to pay compensation or justify to visitors of the resource in any way. The new edition of the Policy is considered accepted as soon as it is published in the appropriate section of the site.

1.3. By accepting the terms set forth, the user agrees to the receipt and processing of his personal information, as well as provide information to third parties in special cases set forth below (paragraph 4.2).

1.4. The Administration is not involved in verifying the accuracy and relevance of the information that users provide.

1.5. This PP regulates the conditions for obtaining, processing and use of personal data (PD) of the user – information that the user makes his own hand with the help of third-party websites (eg, profiles in social networks) or in the process of using the resource.

Personal information is considered to be such information as:

– full name;

– date of birth

– contact number;

– e-mail;

– full date of birth.

The User shall regulate the issue of transferring or refusing to transfer other Personal Data independently. It is prohibited to transfer third party data without authorization. The exception is obtaining such data from public sources.

1.6. The terms of the PP also apply to candidates who apply for any position in the Administration.

1.7. The Administration guarantees the confidentiality of personal data, which is obtained automatically by means of the software: IP-address, personal network number, information about the web browser, cookies, information about the operating system and access time.

2. Cookie-policy

2.1 If your web browser accepts information from cookies, you agree that the Administration may collect and process data from cookies for the purposes specified in the Policy. Also data from cookies may be transferred to third parties in unique cases specified below (clause 4.2).

2.2. If you disable or block the option to accept data from cookies in the settings of your web browser, the Administration considers this action as a ban on the collection and processing of information from cookies.

3. Purpose of data collection and processing

3.1 The Administration collects and processes data in order to fulfill the conditions for the correct operation of the resource: answering questions, fulfillment of obligations.

3.2. It is allowed to use the data to identify the parties within the framework of agreements. They are also required by the Administration to provide services for the use of the resource, to fulfill obligations to the user, to process orders and requests, to improve the resource, to develop new services, to solve marketing tasks and to collect statistics.

3.3 The administration has the right to carry out informational mailings to the e-mail address specified during registration or during the use of the resource.

3.4. Mobile applications have the right to collect information about location for correct display of its requests.

3.5. If it is necessary to use the data for other purposes, the Administration requests additional authorization.

4. Conditions for transferring information to third parties

4.1. Administration keeps personal data confidentially.

4.2. Provision of personal information to third parties is allowed only if the user has given consent, there is a clear link between the transfer of information and the functioning of the site, there is a need for such a transfer under the norms of law.

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