Participating in Taiko Trailblazers campaign

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Participating in Taiko Trailblazers campaign. Заглавный коллаж статьи.

Taiko is a ZK-Rollup that allows developers on the Ethereum network to migrate their dApps to Taiko’s layer 2 solution without any code changes.

The project has raised $37 million in investment from funds such as OKX Ventures, KuCoin Ventures, Hashed Fund and others.

It should also be noted that the team has already been giving out the airdrop to early adopters for testnet activity, which Incrypted’s editorial team has covered more than once on the drops section.

At the time of writing, the new Trailblazers campaign has launched. Below we will show you how to participate in it.

About the Trailblazers campaign

The campaign has a total of 12 million TAIKO and will last for about three months. Users are encouraged to be active online by accumulating points and increasing their rank.

Each rank has a fixed number of places and a competitive basis, and getting into one or another depends on the XP you have accumulated.

Let’s break it down by example. After connecting to the campaign portal, you have been given the rank LVL 7 — Sensei II and it is displayed that you have accumulated 1000 XP. If you continue to actively interact with the network and overtake other users by XP, your rank will increase. If you stop being onchain-active, however, it will decrease.

Note: the above numbers and designations are notional and will be different in reality.

It is also important to note that the rank you get after joining the portal depends on your retroactivity. If you have not interacted with the project before, you will be given a minimum rank.

Available ranks:

  • LVL 0 — Beginner;
  • LVL 1 — Initiate;
  • LVL 2 — Senshi I;
  • LVL 3 — Senshi II;
  • LVL 4 — Samurai I;
  • LVL 5 — Samurai II;
  • LVL 6 — Sensei I;
  • LVL 7 — Sensei II;
  • LVL 8 — Taichou I;
  • LVL 9 — Taichou II;
  • LVL 10 — Shogun I;
  • LVL 11 — Shogun II;
  • LVL 12 — Hashira;
  • LVL 13 — Kodai;
  • LVL 14 — Densetsu.

Award distribution:

  • 10 million among active users of the network of which 1 million will go to the top 2 ranks (LVL 13 — Kodai and LVL 14 — Densetsu);
  • 2 million is allocated to dApps.

For which activities points are awarded:

  • ETH bridge to Taiko network;
  • ERC-20 token bridge to Taiko network;
  • volume of transactions within the Taiko network;
  • number of transactions within the Taiko network.

You can read more about all aspects of the campaign in the team’s articles: here and here.

Guide to completing the activities

Note: you will need a Metamask-type wallet to pass. If you don’t have one, you can use our guide to install and set it up.

  1. Go to the website and connect the wallet.

Note: you may need a VPN to access the site.

  1. Click Get Started, after which you will see your profile, where your accumulated points will be displayed.

Note: if you have previously been active on the testnet, you will receive additional points.

  1. Next, you can interact with projects from the blockchain ecosystem by making transactions.

Note: transaction points are not displayed immediately.

The second quest within the campaign

The project team has launched the second quest within the Trailblazers campaign. We are offered to make a bridge into the network and get a Robot Faction badge. In the future it will give a boost to points.

Notes: the deadline for completing the quests is June 23, 2024.

You can choose your own protocol from the list or do the quest according to our example.

  1. Go to the site and connect the wallet.
  2. Choose the network from which you will bridge funds and Taiko. Enter the desired amount and confirm the transfer:
  1. After completing the second quest, you can pick up the badge at the main portal of the project:

The third quest

The project team has launched the third quest in the campaign. This time we are offered to interact with protocols from the gameFi.

Notes: the deadline to complete the assignment is July 7, 2024.

You can select your own game from the list provided by the team or do a quest based on our example.

  1. Go to the website and click Start to collect.
  2. Connect the wallet and click Claim:
  1. Choose Taiko if it is not selected, and take the Daily boost.

Note: you can then go on to pick up boosts daily to get more points.

  1. After completing the third quest, you can pick up the badge on the main portal of the project:

The fourth quest

The project team has launched the fourth quest. This time you need to interact with DeFi protocols to fulfill it.

Notes: the deadline to complete the assignment is July 21, 2024.

You can select your own protocol from the list provided by the team or do a quest based on our example.

  1. Go to the iZUMi website and connect the wallet.
  2. Open the Pools tab, select a pair and click Add Liquidity:
  1. Set up the position and confirm the addition of liquidity:
  1. Pick up the fourth badge in the project portal.

Note: often the completion of a task is not counted immediately, so you should wait if the stigma is unavailable.

The fifth quest

The team has added the new task. You will need to mint a domain name on the Taiko network to complete it.

Note: the deadline to complete the assignment is July 28, 2024.

You can choose one of the presented protocols on your own or perform the quest according to our example.

  1. Go to the site and connect the wallet.
  2. Enter the desired name and click on it:
  1. Click Register and acquire a name.

Note: the minimum domain price is $5 in ETH.

  1. Claim the fourth badge on the project portal.

The sixth quest

The project team has added a new task. This time we are offered to create our own collection or trade NFT on one of the proposed protocols.

Note: The deadline to complete the assignment is August 11, 2024.

You can choose one of the dApps yourself or get a booster badge from our example.

  1. Go to the website, connect your wallet and select the Taiko network:
  1. Click Editions. To customize the collection, fill in all fields and upload an image that will be turned into an NFT:
  1. Click Deploy to Taiko to deploy the collection.
  2. Claim the badge on the Taiko portal.

The seventh quest

The project team has launched a new Trailblazers campaign assignment. This time we will again have to interact with dApps from the GameFi sphere.

Note: the deadline to complete the assignment is August 25, 2024.

As in previous times, you can choose one of the proposed games yourself or get a badge by our example.

  1. Go to the site and connect the wallet.
  2. Select the Taiko network and press Daily Boost:
  1. Click Boost and confirm the transaction:
  1. Pick up a badge at the Taiko portal.

The last quest

The Taiko project team has unveiled the last quest of the first season of the campaign. This time, in addition to the badge, users can also share a portion of the pool of 80,000 TAIKO tokens allocated for this phase for interacting with available dApps. Read more in the article.

Note: The deadline to complete the assignment is September 19, 2024.

As in previous times, you can choose one of the suggested dApps yourself or get the badge by our example.

  1. Go to the site and connect the wallet.
  2. Choose the Taiko network and add liquidity to one of the proposed pools.

Important: please note that in this option your funds are blocked for a certain period of time.

  1. Claim the badge on the portal.

Important: please note that the 80,000 TAIKO pool only applies to certain protocols and pools. A complete list can be found in the team’s article.


If you will be actively participating in this campaign, you should keep in mind that there is a fixed pool of tokens allocated to it. Therefore, keep in mind that if more users participate, your gas costs may not be recouped. DYOR.


  • a ranking system is present;
  • 12 million TAIKO tokens have been allocated for the campaign;
  • all risks should be considered, as the activity is costly.

If you have any questions when going through the activities, you can ask them in our X.

Useful links: Website | X | Discord

All information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for making investment decisions, nor should it be considered as a recommendation or advice to participate in investment transactions. Do Your Own Research.

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