Shardeum Atomium campaign

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Shardeum Atomium campaign. Заглавный коллаж статьи.

Shardeum is a L1 blockchain that works on the basis of Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Quorum consensus mechanisms. The project’s developers are working to ensure low gas fees while maintaining decentralization and security through sharding, a technique that allows more transactions to be processed, verified, and confirmed in parallel.

Since October 2022, the team has managed to raise $23.6 million in investments:

  • $18.2 million in the seed round from The Spartan Group, Jane Street Capital, Big Brain Holdings, Foresight Ventures;
  • $5.4 million in the strategic round from Amber Group, Galxe and others.

The project documentation refers to SHM, the future native token of the network. It is noted that its distribution is possible through rewards, including the airdrop.

Incrypted’s editorial team reviewed Shardeum activities with an eye on token distribution back in 2023. Since then, there have been few updates to the project until the developers recently announced the launch of the first stage of the Aromium testnet. The campaign confirmed rewards in the form of NFTs, tokens, etc.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the campaign’s objectives and show the step-by-step stages of its implementation.

Follow the guide

Note: the guide requires a Metamask-type wallet. If you don’t have one, you can use our guide to install and configure it.


  1. Connect your wallet on the website. The system will offer to add the required Atomium test network on its own, so just confirm the action.

Important: you need to manually delete the Sphinx network if you were active in previous stages of the testnet. Then reconnect your wallet to the site to add Atomium.

  1. Join Discord and verify your account.
  2. On the branch of the test token faucet, enter the /faucet command and add your address:

If necessary, you can use the video instruction from the project team.

Note: one-time receipt of test tokens is equal to 20 SHM. To complete all tasks, you will need to access the faucet several times on different days.

Guide to completing the activities

  1. Go to the campaign website and connect your wallet.
  2. Complete each of the levels of the first stage to accumulate points:
  1. Most of the tasks are for social activity. Some conditions may not be fulfilled, but wait until the verification timer expires.

Next, we will consider quests that require more detailed instructions. Also, this guide will be updated as new stages are added. Bookmark our airdrops section in your browser so you don’t miss anything.

  1. At the 4th level of tasks, select the active test (at the time of writing, it is Quiz 2) and click on the Here button:
  1. Indicate the correct answer (Autoscalping) and confirm the action by transferring the test SHMs:
  1. Move on to the next question. The answers to all quizzes are below:
  • Quiz 2: 1) Autoscaling, 2) Low gas fees forever, 3) Dynamic state sharding, 4) Solidity.
  • Quiz 3: 1) Proof of Quorum, 2) Archive nodes… 3) Validators only need… 4) Vertical 5) Standby node.
  • Quiz 4: 1) EVM Compatible Layer 1 Blockchain, 2) TPS increases by adding more nodes, 3) Shardeum processes… 4) Atomic and cross-shard composability, 5) As networks grow the performance and capacity increase, 6) Deflationary.
  • Quiz 5: 1) Relayers, 2) Community, 3) Connector node, 4) Proof of Stake 5) Coin – Shard; Ticker – SHM, 6) Public blockchain, 7) Archive nodes.
  • Quiz 6: 1) Open Collaborative and Community Driven, 2) 2nd Feb 2022, 3) Everyone, 4) Community, 5) Supreme.
  • Quiz 7: 1) Community meetups/workshops aimed at spreading Web3 awareness, 2) Hackathons, 3) 400, 4) 24000, 5) 16.
  1. After successful completion, we go back and verify the task:
  1. Voting tasks are similar to tests, but there is no correct answer. You can choose any option.
  2. On the Referral section, create your code and share it with your friends. You can also activate our code — incrypted — for additional points. You can check your position in the ranking by going to the Leaderboard:


All actions take place on the testnet and social networks, so they do not require real money. At the time of writing, the Atomium network is slow and sometimes crashes. It is known that users will have 4 stages during which they will be able to accumulate points.


  • no costs;
  • confirmed rewards;
  • $23.6 million in investments;
  • takes several days to complete.

Useful links: Website | X | Discord

If you have any questions while completing the activity, you can ask them in our X.

It will be interesting

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