Requirements for press releases

Incrypted’s editorial team scrutinizes all press releases before they are published. Once approved, they will be published by the date agreed upon with partners.

Content Guidelines

For a press release to be approved, follow these guidelines:

  • the press release should contain important information about key updates. For example, partnership, announcement of important product updates or community activities. In addition, the press release should be in an appropriate format. If you’re unsure of the format or content type, reach out to the Incrypted team;
  • the content of the news release should be relevant to the topic of blockchain, Web3 or cryptocurrencies;
  • the headline should clearly convey the content of the infomercial;
  • one image can be included in the press release. Make sure it is properly formatted in .PNG or .JPG format;
  • each press release must include the date of publication;
  • make sure all backlinks work and properly redirect users to the correct page;
  • each press release can contain 3 to 5 backlinks to 1 domain. Backlinks to additional domain names will incur an additional fee;
  • content must be factual and accurate, devoid of speculation;
  • all content must be unique and original. The use of template or copyrighted content is prohibited.

Style guidelines

To be approved, a press release must fully comply with the following stylistic guidelines:

  • the text should not exceed 2,000 characters;
  • use clear and concise language. The press release should be written in Russian or Ukrainian without spelling and grammatical errors. If abbreviations or acronyms are used, please explain them;
  • all press releases should use objective language, avoid advertising and calls to action. Refrain from using higher degrees and subjective adjectives that do not represent the objectivity of the individuals or companies involved. Avoid using exclamation points, capitalizing entire words, or terms of direct address such as ‘you’ or ‘we.’
  • quotations should be clearly labeled with quotation marks and a reference to the source, including name, title, and company;
  • avoid using non-standard formatting. For example, tables, forced line breaks, HTML tags, or non-standard characters.

Recommendations for images

  • When submitting an Incrypted image for a press release, make sure that the image is sized to 1200×720 pixels. If these dimensions are not available, maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio to prevent cropping on the Incrypted site.
  • Similar to using margins in print design to prevent cropping, add margins to your image to avoid cropping your photo on sites that don’t maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • Upload images in .JPG or .PNG format.

Ineligible Content

Incrypted’s editorial team does not accept press releases containing any of the following types of content:

  • investment advice: press releases endorsing certain investment products or containing recommendations to invest in any products or assets, particularly tokens or coins;
  • casinos and online gambling: press releases promoting or referring to online gambling platforms, casinos, fantasy sports leagues or Pay-to-play services;
  • pornography or sexually explicit content: press releases promoting or containing such material or links to such content will not be published. Sites intended for persons over the age of 18 will be categorized as sexually explicit;
  • intent to harm: the Incrypted editorial team will not publish content or links intended to harm individuals, groups or companies. This includes content that expresses hatred, racism, violent intent or an attempt to maliciously damage a company’s stock or business operations;
  • illegal material: press releases that link to or promote illegal content, including copyrighted material or content already published elsewhere, as well as content related to current unresolved legal disputes;
  • internet pharmaceuticals and health supplements: press releases promoting or linking to websites or online pharmacies selling prescription drugs, as well as products purporting to provide sexual enhancement, dangerous weight loss solutions, or unapproved or deceptive health supplements;
  • scams, easy money and pyramid schemes: the Incrypted editorial team will not publish press releases containing content or links related to known scams, get-rich-quick schemes or pyramid schemes;
  • SEO: unethical SEO practices such as excessive keyword usage and link buying and selling are prohibited in published press releases. Material containing an extremely high number of inbound links may be retroactively removed.

Incrypted’s editorial team reserves the right to edit press releases to maintain content quality and compliance with editorial policy. The final decision to publish any press release rests with the Incrypted editorial team. We also reserve the right to refuse to publish a press release if the editorial team doubts the credibility of the project or product.

In case of any allegations of misconduct or breach of trust, the partner assumes full responsibility for the content published on the Incrypted website.

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