Notes from «Ded» in Singapore. Day three. Start of TOKEN2049

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Notes from «Ded» in Singapore. Day three. Start of TOKEN2049. Заглавный коллаж статьи.

Disclaimer: the views or opinions expressed in this material are the personal position of the author and may not coincide with the opinion of the Incrypted editorial team.

The world’s largest crypto conference, Token2049, has started. If we’re talking scale — it’s just something, folks. Almost everyone in the crypto world has gathered here in one form or another: speakers, booths, representatives, partners, banners, logos, and so on. It is clear that those who need it most for marketing purposes are the most visible, but you get the idea.

The “bear market” vibe that I mentioned earlier has already faded (probably it was just the effect of long flights on the first day).

Everyone seems quite energized, and the atmosphere is filled with positive vibes. Projects are being built, marketing budgets are being cut, and rounds are being raised. Interestingly, there are no “casual visitors” among the conference guests, no “crypto enthusiasts” who just came to listen. Every person represents some crypto project.

A few thoughts:

  • At the TRON booth, its official representatives are sawing memes on SunPump.

And they’re doing it boldly, saying things like: “The market cap is only 3 million for now, and there are some serious people behind this meme…” and so on. The meme-token Twiskers, by the way, isn’t something you “ape into,” but rather an example of how meme token shilling works at the official TRON stand.

  • You can’t come to a conference this big without a specific goal.

You should have a clear understanding of who exactly you want to connect with, what results you want to achieve, what partnerships you want to establish, and what’s necessary to make it happen. You should know how exactly you’re going to pitch your ideas. You should have the necessary materials, information, and team contacts ready, if necessary.

Basically, it’s like in life: if you don’t have a goal, you turn into a samurai wandering around with his two swords without much result, except for a couple of peasants being slaughtered.

  • Speakers are top-notch, most of the industry leaders are here. But, in fact, what they say on stage tends to be quite basic, lacking any wow-factor. The wow-factor comes simply from their presence.

But that’s okay if you approach the presentations — and conferences in general — in the right way. If you go to such an event hoping that the speaker will come out and say: “Here you are, Mykola in the fourth row, I have studied your entire life path and developed specific step-by-step instructions for you to get rich — hit me up,” then I have bad news for you.

A conference is a place of concentration of people, ideas, money, opportunities, etc. Firstly, you should have a goal and plan to achieve it, and secondly, don’t expect groundbreaking revelations from speakers.

If during a presentation, you have a thought sparked by a phrase you heard — that’s great. Or, for example, if you meet one or two people who can completely change your life or simply improve your financial situation — that’s not bad at all. So, expect less, stick to your well-prepared plan, and focus on your goals.

  • Unexpectedly and pleasantly, half of the conference already knows Incrypted. It was a shocking and pleasant surprise for me. A huge thanks to the team for being so awesome. I love you guys.
  • On a sad note: The Wi-Fi at the conference is terrible, even the separate Wi-Fi for media. Incrypted published a couple of articles with interesting thoughts from the speakers, so check them out.

We will also occasionally post the most interesting things in our Incrypted Headlines Telegram channel.

P.S. There won’t be any updates about Singapore itself because I haven’t really seen it. From morning till night, it’s Token2049, and right after that — a couple of side events.

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