Kalypso announced a collaboration with Symbiotic

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Kalypso announced a collaboration with Symbiotic. Заглавный коллаж статьи.
  • ZKP-marketplace Kalypso has announced a partnership with the Symbiotic restacking protocol.
  • The latter will provide coordination of users and projects with evidence providers through Ethereum restacking.

Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) marketplace Kalypso has announced a partnership with the Symbiotic restacking protocol. The partnership aims to protect ZKP-centric decentralized networks with Ethereum restacking, the release stated.

“Advancements in cryptography have made usage of ZK proofs practical in a variety of applications for scaling and privacy. […] However, the generation of ZK proofs today still remains compute intensive leading to high costs and poor response times for users.” the Kalypso team noted.

According to Kalypso developers, their project is a “mechanism-agnostic” ZKP marketplace that connects users, applications, and protocols to hardware vendors that can produce these proofs.

As the use of ZKPs in rollups, crosschain protocols, games, zkVM will increase, so will their generation, according to the Kalypso team.

Kalypso’s marketplace mechanism. Source: Marlin.

Symbiotic simplifies coordination between operators, restakers and protocols, improving stability and resilience to censorship, Kalypso noted. It allows the marketplace to connect geographically remote ZKP providers supported by Ethereum in staking, the developers said.

Symbiotic’s participation in the marketplace’s mechanism. Source: Marlin.

Kalypso v1 supports order books that provide transparent pricing and allow for instant provisioning of hardware to whoever needs it, the team noted. Kalypso v2, on the other hand, integrates an auction mechanism, allowing the user to choose the price that best suits them.

The differences between the different mechanisms. Source: Marlin.

Kalypso Marketplace is developed on the basis of the Oyster network from Marlin studio. Thanks to this, the marketplace has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to work with private inputs;
  • flexible and fast selection algorithms;
  • better optimization due to reduced fragmentation of equipment from different markets.

Settlement of transactions, meanwhile, is done on the Arbitrum Nova network. According to the developers, the high throughput of this solution makes it ideal for a task such as ZKP generation. The team noted that it ensures that only valid evidence received on time is paid.

Symbiotic’s protocol architecture allows the native Marlin token, POND, to be contributed to the restacking. It enables information exchange between Arbitrum Nova and Ethereum, where Symbiotic smart contracts reside, and dispute resolution in Oyster, the release stated.

Earlier we reported that the Symbiotic team closed a $5.8 million round. Information about its preparation appeared back in May 2024.

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