Incrypted’s website now has a user account

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Incrypted’s website now has a user account. Заглавный коллаж статьи.
  • Incrypted team has added a new functionality — user account.
  • With its help, readers will be able to save their favorite materials, events and tokensails of interest, as well as track the progress of tasks to potentially receive airdrops and training courses.      
  • In addition, the account implements a reward system for users with daily activities and tasks.

The Incrypted team has implemented a new feature for readers of the site — a user cabinet. In it, you can save certain materials, keep track of airdrops, and earn KEY points. 

User study. Source: Incrypted.

It is quite easy to create your user account. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate section, register, and then verify your account by linking your Telegram and cryptocurrency wallet.

Cabinet capabilities

With the help of the new tool, Incrypted readers will be able to bookmark their favorite articles, courses, events from ‘Cryptocalendar’, as well as interested tokensails.

You can always find them on the Saved tab on your account. This allows you to quickly and easily return to important information without wasting time searching for it.

A tool for drophunters

For all Airdrop hunters out there, we’ve added the ability to track the status of activity completion for potential airdrops. You can also add notes to capture important details.

Saved Airdrops section of the study. Source: Incrypted.

Information about giveaways is added from the corresponding section on our website. It contains up-to-date data on airdrop, including deadlines, type of reward, type, and terms of the giveaway.

Earning KEY points

In addition, one of the key functionalities of the new solution is a mechanism for earning KEY points. These points can then be spent on valuable rewards or discounts.

To start earning points, you need to connect the MetaMask wallet address on your personal account. You can get points for the following types of activity:

  • Everyday Reward: visit Incrypted’s website every day and collect KEY points.
  • performing special assignments;
  • various accomplishments;
  • Invitations: gather friends to earn more KEY.
The ‘Current Assignments’ and ‘My Achievements’ section of the study. Source: Incrypted.

Note that the user account is in beta version, and its functionality may be expanded or changed in the future.

Join the testing to help the Incrypted team improve the product and make it the best experience possible for our readers!

As a reminder, we also launched the tokensale calendar this year.

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