Activities on the Glacier project for a potential airdrop

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Activities on the Glacier project for a potential airdrop. Заглавный коллаж статьи.

Glacier is a data-centric network. It is designed to process and verify large data sets using proprietary tools, namely GlacierDB, GlacierAI and GlacierDA. More detailed information can be found in the project documentation.

The team has raised $10.9 million from Aptos, Mask Network, KuCoin Ventures and others.

Further in the article we will show you how to interact with the project to be able to qualify for an airdrop in the future.

Guide to completing the activities

Note: you will need a Metamask-type wallet to pass. If you don’t have one, you can use our guide to set it up and customize it. You will also need some OKB tokens on the X Layer network to pay for the mint. You can purchase them and withdraw them to your wallet using the OKX exchange.

  1. Go to the site and click GLSPoints.
  2. Scroll down the page and click Start, then connect the wallet:
Campaign Portal. Source: Glacier
  1. Click Create a new Namaspase and come up with any name for the space:
  1. Click Create Dates and come up with another name to assign to the data:
  1. Click the plus icon and come up with another arbitrary name:
  1. Next, click Mint NFT and connect your wallet to the next portal.
  2. Click Mint my NFT, select the collection you created earlier and click Mint.

Note: NFT indexing may take some time. If you see an inscription like in the example below, wait for the image to pull up before clicking Mint.

  1. Performing social activities on Galxe.
  2. Return to the main portal, where you will see the points for the activities performed:

The second season of the campaign

The project team has launched the second season of activity, during which users can continue to earn points for interacting with the new functionality.

  1. Go to the website, scroll down the page, and connect your wallet:
  1. Find the second task and click Start.
  2. Send a query to the AI, then select the answer we like the most, thus training it.

Note: each request brings 10 points.

  1. Return to the main portal and perform social tasks on third-party platforms:

Additional activity

From time to time, the project team launches new tasks that are not displayed on the main portal. You can track them in Galxe:


As stated on the main portal of the project, this stage of the campaign is the first season. Therefore, we should probably count on a slow drop, as the team presented no clear dates.

It should also be noted that the cost of the campaign is relatively small. You will only have to pay for the X Layer network gas in the token OKB for the NFT mint.


  • as of this writing, the team is running its first season of the campaign;
  • OKB tokens will be required for the NFT mint;
  • inviting friends can help you accumulate more points.

If you have any questions when going through the activities, you can ask them in our Telegram chat.

Useful links: Website | X | Discord

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