Editorial policy

Incrypted’s editorial policy is based on the principles of free speech, independence and impartiality.

Our goal is to provide readers with up-to-date, reliable and objective information about events in the world of cryptocurrencies. We strive to ensure that our materials reflect different points of view, and information is presented in a convenient and accessible format. In our work, we are guided by the ethical norms of journalism and standards of professional activity.

Our mission

To provide 24/7 access to all relevant information about the crypto industry.

Full Mission

To provide all people of Earth with 24/7 access to all necessary verified information about the crypto industry in an objective, structured, user-friendly and high-quality manner.


  • Objectivity. We tell it like it is. Never deceive our audience, never advertise scams and useless services. Cleanliness and unbiased.
  • Quality. We always strive to get the best quality content of all types — both in content and design.
  • Comprehensiveness. We strive to cover 100% of the important, useful and interesting information about what’s happening in the crypto industry.
  • Speed. We strive to minimize the amount of time from idea to full implementation without losing quality. This applies to all aspects of our activities from content creation and organizational moments to closing deals and implementing infrastructure projects.
  • Adaptability. We always follow the current situation in the crypto industry and trends and quickly adapt our business, technology and content to the updated reality.
  • Openness. We are always open to constructive feedback, dialogue and cooperation with any person or organization, as long as they do not violate the law and are in line with our values.
  • Personal Development. All Incrypted employees strive to constantly develop themselves physically, mentally and morally, because only individually happy and successful employees can lead a company to success.
  • Piracy. All Incrypted employees are pirates, who treat their work with the maximum responsibility, but perform even the most difficult tasks with easy and without stress.
  • The best job in the world. Every employee at Incrypted gets the perfect combination of monetary remuneration, ambitious goals, constant development, the best working conditions, motivation, team atmosphere and support from the company.
  • Incrypted is always right. Our set of values allows us to take the side of our employees in 99.99% of disputes and conflicts and defend the company’s interests to the end without worrying about ‘disgruntled’ subscribers/customers leaving.
  • There is no crown. In 00.01% of cases when we are really wrong, we will apologize, the crown will not fall.

Incrypted.com Editorial Standards


Incrypted warrants that the information published by our publication is true to the extent that it can be ascertained.

Our team of staff uses the maximum available tools and sources when analyzing facts and verifying their accuracy. In addition, materials go through three stages of verification before publication to avoid factual, grammatical, stylistic and other errors. We strive to ensure that our readers receive only reliable and objective information.

Ethical standards

In the ‘ethical norms’ clause of the editorial policy, we list the principles and rules that Incrypted’s team of journalists follow in their work to ensure ethical and professional publication. Such norms include:

  1. Prohibition of plagiarism and intellectual property theft. Journalists must provide sources of information, cite them and provide references to the authors.
  2. Prohibition on spreading false information. Journalists should check facts before publishing them and not post materials that may mislead readers.
  3. Prohibition of discrimination and violation of citizens’ rights and freedoms. Journalists shall observe the principles of tolerance and respect for differences in gender, race, religion, culture and other spheres.
  4. Prohibition to publish materials that violate the personal life and honor of citizens. Journalists should adhere to the principles of confidentiality and shall not post information that may damage people’s reputation.
  5. Prohibition to use journalistic methods that violate the law and ethical norms. Journalists should avoid bribery, blackmail, harassment and other illegal actions.
  6. Respect for the principles of freedom of speech and press. Journalists shall adhere to the right to freedom of speech and information, but not abuse them.
  7. Prohibition of conflicts of interest. Journalists should avoid situations where their personal interests or those of their employers may influence the content and form of materials.
  8. Adherence to professional standards. Journalists should constantly improve their knowledge and skills, keep abreast of news and trends in their field in order to provide high-quality information.


Material published in the publication must be based on verified facts and sources, not rumors or speculation. We ensure that information is presented in an objective light and does not contain any form of bias, stereotyping, discrimination or violence.


The editorial of incrypted.com respects the right to privacy of all individuals and is committed to respecting the confidentiality of personal information received from its sources or readers.

When publishing materials containing personal information, we obtain consent to disclose it from all interested parties.

Use of official position

Employees of the publication do not use their official position or access to confidential information for their personal benefit or for the benefit of third parties.

Employees shall not accept gifts, favors or any other compensation that may influence their decisions and actions in the course of their professional activities. If such gifts or favors are offered, employees should inform their immediate supervisors or higher authorities.

Employees should not use their position for personal gain or personal matters.

Material formats incrypted.com

  1. News are short reports about the latest events and developments in the world of cryptocurrencies. They can contain information about events happening in the industry, new technologies, changes in cryptocurrency rates, etc.
  2. Articles are more in-depth pieces that can cover different aspects of cryptocurrencies, from their history to the current state of the market and technology. Articles should be longer than news articles and contain analytical or informative pieces, reviews and expert opinions.
  3. Interviews are pieces containing conversations with experts, opinion leaders, businessmen and other people related to cryptocurrencies.
  4. Video is a visual representation of information or data that may include interviews, reviews, news and our other formats.
  5. Cryptocurrency Dictionary — These are materials that explain basic terms related to cryptocurrencies. A dictionary can help readers who are not familiar with technical terms to better understand the materials that are published on the site.
  6. Reviews are materials that provide analytical or informative overviews of various aspects of cryptocurrencies. Reviews can be about new projects, different aspects of security, products, applications, market analysis, etc.
  7. Infographics are materials that can visualize complex information related to cryptocurrencies. Infographics can contain graphs, charts, tables, and other elements that help to better understand the information.
  8. Battle of the Portfolios is a free crypto investor simulator.
    The essence: participants of the battle register on the platform, choose coins that they consider promising and create a virtual portfolio from them in any proportion, but for a certain amount ($1000) and a clear term (1 week). At the end of the term, the ‘virtual profit’ of all participants is automatically recorded, and the portfolio whose profit is higher for the given time period wins. You don’t need to buy anything, you don’t need to deposit any money.

Interaction with readers

We at Incrypted value our readers very highly and are constantly striving to improve our work to meet their information needs. On the home page of our website you can find our contacts, including phone number and e-mail address, to get in touch with our editorial team.

Interaction with partners

As an editorial, we are committed to working with partners who share our values and principles, and who can provide our readers with useful and interesting content. However, we recognize that such collaborations may raise questions about transparency, independence and ethics in our editorial work. In this paragraph of our editorial policy, we establish rules and procedures that ensure honesty and transparency when working with our partners.

  1. The first important aspect is the selection of partners for cooperation. We set criteria based on content quality, alignment with our editorial values, ethical standards and popularity.
  2. To ensure transparency, we clearly mark content created by our partners as affiliate or promotional and ensure proper declaration of affiliation with the editorial team in accordance with local laws and ethical standards. We do not include affiliate materials in our editorial content, and we do not influence the content of our partners’ materials.
  3. To ensure the independence of our editorial content, we establish policies and procedures to resolve conflicts of interest between editorial content and content created by our partners. For example, we do not publish content from our partners that is a competitor to our editorial content.
  4. We also set requirements for our partners to comply with the laws and ethical standards that govern advertising and content in their jurisdictions. We require them to comply with local and international regulations and standards when they create content for us.

Requirements for press releases

Interaction with advertisers

  1. Advertising content are clearly separated from editorial content and labeled as advertorials.
  2. The editorial team does not allow advertiser interference with editorial process or content.
  3. The editorial team has full control over the placement of advertising on incrypted.com or its additional sources (Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) and has the ability to refuse advertising if it does not comply with its editorial policies.
  4. The editorial has policies and procedures to resolve conflicts of interest between editorial material and advertising material.
  5. The editorial team complies with the laws and ethical standards that govern advertising and content in their jurisdiction.
  6. The editorial team is transparent with its readers and viewers about what material on the site or in additional sources is promotional and who the advertiser is.
  7. The editorial team cooperates with advertisers only when the advertising material is consistent with our editorial policies and does not conflict with our values.

Interaction with bloggers and Influencers

As an editorial, we realize that collaborating with bloggers and Influencers can be an important aspect of our work. However, we also realize that this collaboration can raise questions about transparency, independence, and ethics in our editorial work. In this paragraph of our editorial policy, we establish rules and procedures that ensure honesty and transparency in our work with bloggers and Influencers.

  1. The first important aspect is the selection of bloggers and influencers for cooperation. We set criteria based on content quality, popularity, ethical standards and alignment with our editorial team’s values.
  2. To ensure transparency, we clearly mark content created by bloggers and Influencers as promotional or affiliate, and ensure proper declaration of editorial affiliation in accordance with local laws and ethical standards. We do not include promotional material in our editorial content, and we do not influence the content of bloggers’ and Influencers’ content.
  3. To ensure the independence of our editorial content, we establish policies and procedures to resolve conflicts of interest between editorial content and content created by bloggers and Influencers. For example, we do not publish material by bloggers and Influencers that is a competitor of our editorial material.
  4. We also set requirements for bloggers and Influencers to comply with the laws and ethical standards that govern advertising and content in their jurisdictions. We require them to comply with local and international regulations and standards when they create content for us.

Information partnership

Under ‘Media Partnerships’ in our editorial policy, we describe the rules and procedures we use to communicate with other media organizations and media partners.

  1. The first step is to select partners for collaboration. We select partners based on the quality of their content, their values, reputation and popularity. We also make sure that partners meet our ethical standards and do not violate laws.
  2. In the contract with our media partners, we clearly define the rights and responsibilities of each party. We also ensure that our editorial independence is protected and that we retain control over editorial content, even in the case of media partnerships.
  3. We are committed to upholding standards of professional ethics in our dealings with our media partners. We do not include material from our partners in our editorial content without careful review and editing. We also do not publish material that may contradict our principles and values.
  4. We also ensure transparency with our media partners. We clearly mark content created by our partners as partner content and ensure that we properly declare editorial communications in accordance with local laws and ethical standards.

Overall, our editorial policy on media partnerships is to ensure that we are honest, transparent and maintain our editorial independence in our relationships with other media organizations and media partners.


In the ‘Disclaimer’ clause of our editorial policy, we state that our editorial team is not responsible for any consequences that may arise from the use of information contained on our website or in our publications.

  1. We advise that the material on our website and in our publications is provided ‘as is’ and does not claim to be complete, accurate or up-to-date. We do not warrant that the information contained on our site or in our publications will meet the requirements or expectations of readers.
  2. We are also not responsible for the content of external links on our website or in our publications. We have no control over the content of linked sites and do not guarantee their accuracy, currency or reliability.
  3. We are also not responsible for the use of material contained on our site or in our publications in violation of copyright or other laws. Readers should independently verify that their use of materials on our site and publications complies with local laws and regulations.
  4. Finally, we note that our editorial staff is not responsible for the views and opinions expressed in comments on our site or in our publications. We do not edit comments or control their content, but we reserve the right to remove comments that violate the site’s rules of conduct.

In general, the purpose of the ‘Disclaimer’ clause in our editorial policy is to make it clear to readers that we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information contained on our site or in our publications and that we are not responsible for its use.

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