Participate in airdrop campaign of Arena Games project

21 мин
Participate in airdrop campaign of Arena Games project. Заглавный коллаж статьи.

Arena Games — is a project that allows game developers to integrate Web3 tools into their products to improve gameplay and give users real ownership of in-game assets through blockchain.

It has raised a total of $2.3 million from undisclosed retail investors and funds.

Further in the article we will show you how to participate in the Airdrop campaign to be able to claim an airdrop in the future.

Guide to completing the activities

Note: you will need a Metamask-type wallet to pass. If you don’t have one, you can use our guide to set it up and customize it.

  1. Go to the site and create an account:
  1. On the home page, click Start Now:
  1. Next, on the Sesame Labs site, connect your wallet and complete the available tasks.

Note: sometimes quests are not displayed. Please refresh the page to fix the error.

  1. After a while earned points will be displayed on the main portal:
  1. By clicking Mint Now and scrolling down the page, you’ll be able to mint a special badge for earned points.

Note: according to the team, these badges will play an important role in the distribution of future rewards.


At the moment, there is no clear understanding of how long the campaign will last. We can only note that at the time of writing this guide, all activity is centered one way or another around completing social tasks that don’t require a cost.


  • no information on how long the campaign will last;
  • it is important to pick up badges for accumulated points;
  • mint badges will require MATIC to cover gas.

If you have any questions while going through the activities, you can ask them in our Telegram chat.

Useful links: Website | X | Discord

It will be interesting

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